The Town of Ault Cemetery is located at the end of North 3rd Avenue. Application for a purchase of interment rights to a lot must be made through the Administration Office.
The Town of Ault has a residency requirement for the Cemetery. A person must be a current resident of Ault, have immediate family buried in the Ault Cemetery, or have a significant history with the Town of Ault in order to purchase a lot or be interred in the Ault Cemetery.
Contact the Ault Administration Office for available lots and pricing.
The Town of Ault has a residency requirement for the Cemetery. A person must be a current resident of Ault, have immediate family buried in the Ault Cemetery, or have a significant history with the Town of Ault in order to purchase a lot or be interred in the Ault Cemetery.
Contact the Ault Administration Office for available lots and pricing.
VISITATION: The Ault Cemetery is open for visitation and decoration of lots from sunrise to sunset daily. Pets are not allowed in the cemetery, except for service animals, which must be on a leash and properly credentialed as a service animal.
LOT DECORATIONS: Decoration of lots and monuments is allowed and limited to the conditions defined in this section. Decorations attached to monuments will not be removed by Public Works Personnel unless they become unsightly, unsafe or are deemed offensive by the Town Board of Trustees.
PROHIBITED LOT DECORATIONS: The planting of trees, shrubs, plants, grass, or other live plants on or around lots is prohibited. Fences, railings, curbs, hedges, or any other bordering of lots are not allowed. The placing of boxes, shells, stones, boulders, tiles, bricks, gravel, crushed rock, oyster shells, cinders, toys, metal designs, ornaments, chairs, settees, unattached vases, glass, urns, fencing, wood or metal cases and similar articles upon lots is prohibited. No ornament or decoration shall be placed that will affect sprinklers or mowing procedures.
Public Works personnel will remove any such decorations without notice.
Public Works personnel will remove any such decorations without notice.
LIVE FLOWERS AND PLANTS: Live flowers and plants are allowed on the headstone or foundation, in vases or containers on or attached to the headstone and cutouts in the foundation. Public Works will not maintain these decorations and they will be removed if they become dead, unsightly, broken, or overgrown.
ARTIFICIAL DECORATIONS: Artificial flowers, wreaths, flags, balloons, and other temporary decorations may be placed on lots but will be removed/discarded on Wednesday every week by Public Works personnel during mowing and trimming of the cemetery, unless prior arrangements have been made with the Public Works Supervisor. Exception to this policy is provided below:
Memorial Day Decorations - Artificial flowers, wreaths, flags, balloons, and other temporary decorations may be placed on lots 10 DAYS PRIOR to Memorial Day and will remain undisturbed until June 15th. Decorations will be removed if they become dead, scattered, or broken. Decorations will be removed/discarded after June 15th.
LIABILITY AND REGULATION OF DECORATIONS: The Town of Ault shall not be held liable for lost, misplaced or broken decorations, or for damage by the elements, thieves, vandals, or by causes beyond its control. The Town reserves the right to regulate the method of decorating lots and the right to remove any decoration so that a uniform beauty may be maintained.
MONUMENT PLACEMENT: No person shall erect or place, or cause to be erected or placed, any monument, on any lot in the cemetery, without the approval of the Public Works Supervisor. Unauthorized monuments or monuments placed without required notification will be removed by Public Works without notice to the lot owner. Temporary markers, homemade markers, wooden markers, or ornaments shall not be allowed, unless approved by the Public Works Supervisor. Footstones and cornerstones are not allowed on any lot.
Monuments may be erected or placed on individual lots, or span multiple lots located together in the same row. The requirements below apply to all monuments placed after 1/1/2023:
Monument size is limited to 36” L X 14” W x 42” H if placed on a single lot that is 48” wide.
Monument size is limited to 48” L X 20” W x 42” H if placed on a single lot that is 60” wide.
Monuments spanning two or more lots will be limited in size to 72” L X 20” W X 42” H.
All Monuments will be placed on a Concrete or Granite foundation With a minimum thickness of 11 inches.
No monuments will be allowed on any lot until the lot has been fully paid for.
Only one monument for each lot shall be permitted.
Monuments only constructed of granite, standard bronze or marble will be allowed. Other materials are subject to deterioration and contribute to unsightliness.
Should any monument become unsightly, dilapidated or a menace to the safety of visitors, the Town shall have the right to either correct the condition or to remove the same, at the expense of the lot owner.
No monument shall be removed from the cemetery, except by the Town unless the written order or permission of the lot owner is presented to the Town and permission be granted by the Town.
NOTIFICATION FOR MONUMENT OR FOUNDATION PLACEMENT: Prior to placement of a monument or foundation, a request must be made with the Town Hall Office. Public Works Personnel will locate and mark the burial spaces(s) with white paint and flags. Notice must be given at least 2 business days in advance prior to placement of a monument or foundation.
TIME OF INTERMENTS: Interments are allowed 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Monday through Friday and 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Saturday. No interments will be allowed between 12:00 noon Saturday and 9:00 a.m. Monday, or legal holidays, or days holidays are observed. An Interment Preparation Work Order must be received 3 business days in advance of the interment date for casket interments and must be received 2 business days in advance of the interment date for cremains interments, to assure preparations can be made. Saturday interments will include an additional fee. All interments outside of allowed hours must be pre-approved by the Town Board.
INTERMENT SERVICES: Gravesite services are allowed but limited to 1 hour at the grave site. Celebrations, Parties, or gatherings where food and beverages are served are prohibited on cemetery grounds.
The Town does not provide tents, canopies, chairs, artificial grass, lowering devices and other equipment used for placement of vaults. It will be the responsibility of the funeral home or vault company to provide necessary equipment for the interment.
The Town does not provide tents, canopies, chairs, artificial grass, lowering devices and other equipment used for placement of vaults. It will be the responsibility of the funeral home or vault company to provide necessary equipment for the interment.