The Town of Ault posts all bid, request for proposals, and statement of qualification documents or the information about how to obtain the bid documents through the Rocky Mountain E-Purchasing System. If you would like to access bid opportunities from the Town of Ault, we recommend registering your company online as quickly as possible. To register, visit Rocky Mountain E-Purchasing System and click on Vendor Registration. Follow the instructions to complete the registration form.
By creating an account, your company will be able to access bid opportunities from the Town of Ault as well as instant access to all opportunities posted by the other participating agencies!
There are two options available for registration. You can register for SEARCH ONLY ACCESS which is free and gives you access to the website to check for bids on your own; or, AUTOMATIC EMAIL NOTIFICATION for a fee which will send you an email notification for commodities you select when bids, addendum, and other bid communications are posted.
If you need help or need assistance in any way, please call our technical support department at BidNet toll free at 1-800-835-4603. To expedite your request, please ask for the Rocky Mountain E-Purchasing System.
The Town of Ault cannot ensure the accuracy or completeness of information provided by private plan holders. Please use Rocky Mountain E-Purchasing as your only source for bids, Requests for Proposal, and Requests for Information.