6.04.340 Chicken regulations.
Notwithstanding any ordinance of the Town of Ault or any provision in the Code of the Town of Ault to the contrary, the keeping of chickens shall be permitted in the R-1 District, the R‑2 District, and the MH district when such activity is conducted in accordance with the following restrictions:
Notwithstanding any ordinance of the Town of Ault or any provision in the Code of the Town of Ault to the contrary, the keeping of chickens shall be permitted in the R-1 District, the R‑2 District, and the MH district when such activity is conducted in accordance with the following restrictions:
- The keeping of chicken roosters or more than six (6) chicken hens is prohibited.
- The keeping of up to six (6) chicken hens is permitted.
- Chickens will be housed in a coop that meets the following requirements:
- The coop will be fully enclosed.
- The coop will be predator and pest-resistant
- The coop will be properly ventilated
- The coop will be designed to be easily accessed, cleaned and maintained.
- The coop will provide no less than two (2) square feet of space per chicken.
- The coop will provide proper protection from any seasonal climatic condition.
- The coop will have an attached yard to which the chickens must have access during daylight hours allowing the birds to roam and gain access to sunlight and open air.
- The yard will provide a minimum of five (5) square feet per bird and be enclosed on all four sides and at the top with fencing adequate to (1) prevent the chickens from escaping and (2) protect the chickens from predators.
- Chickens must be confined at all times; however, they may be permitted to roam outside the coop and yard described above so long as (1) the entire perimeter of such area is fenced in a manner to adequately confine the chickens and (2) such area is part of the area immediately surrounding the residence of the owner of the chickens.
- Animal health must be maintained with proper feed and water.
- If the symptoms do not abate within such time, within forty-eight (48) hours of the visible onset of any symptoms of disease, aid from a veterinarian must be given or the animal must be humanely slaughtered.
- Animal cruelty laws pertain to chickens.
- Nuisance laws pertain to chickens; provided that the mere keeping of chickens in accordance with these restrictions shall not, by itself, constitute a nuisance.
- There will be no slaughtering within public view, and any slaughtering or related processing must be conducted in a humane and sanitary manner.
- Coops and yards must be located at least ten (10) feet from any neighboring property line and at least thirty (30) feet from any dwelling or place of business other than one owned or rented by the owner of the chickens. Variances may be granted in the Town’s discretion if written consent from all affected neighbors is included with the request for variance. The Town Clerk is authorized to grant such variances as a routine administrative matter.
- There will be an annual permit fee of $10.00 to register up to 6 birds, which must be paid and the permit issued prior to acquisition of chickens. Prior to issuance of any permit, the individual seeking the permit must provide to the Town Clerk written proof that the individual’s coop and yard have passed inspection by an inspector designated by resolution of the Board of Trustees. The Town Clerk is authorized to prepare and make available to the public any forms needed for administration of this these regulations pertaining to the keeping of chickens.
- This permit will be renewable annually if no violations to the chicken ordinance have occurred. Every permit shall be subject to the following conditions:
- The permittee waives all claims against the Town and against all other persons resulting from death or injury to any chicken that is not confined in accordance with these regulations.
- If a parcel has more than one (1) dwelling unit, all adult residents and the owner(s) of the parcel must consent in writing to allowing the chickens on the property.
- Chicken feed in addition to that required for twenty-four (24) hours’ consumption must be stored in rodent resistant containers. Waste and manure must be removed weekly, and if not composted in an enclosed unit or used for immediate fertilization of plants must be disposed of in a sanitary manner.
Slaughtered animals that are not preserved for human consumption shall be disposed of in any one of the following ways:
- Burial under at least two feet of ground.
- Delivery to a properly licensed or permitted rendering or waste disposal facility.
- If allowed by the pertinent waste processor, placing in garbage after being wrapped in at least two layers of plastic of standard thickness for household garbage.