The Evidence Unit of the Ault Police Department is responsible for maintaining the integrity of evidence and property collected by officers during criminal investigations. The items under our care range from evidence from a crime scene, to personal belongings, and lost/found items.
If you have property being held by the Ault Police Department that may be eligible for return, review the information below for detailed instructions on how to retrieve your property.
For any questions, you may email us at
Claiming Your Property
Property releases require an appointment. Please contact our office for more information on property releases.
You must bring a valid photo ID to your appointment.
Evidence Releases
The Evidence Unit does not release property held as evidence without written authorization from the agency handling the case. This may be the investigator, the District Attorney’s Office, another law enforcement agency or the court. Contact the Evidence Unit to inquire about the case status. Please provide your name and Ault Police Department case number.
Guns & Ammunition
A background check will be processed for anyone claiming a firearm to ensure they are eligible to possess. Please be sure to provide a current, working phone number with voicemail capability in the event the Evidence unit needs to relay important information about your firearm appointment. Firearms will not be released without secure and verifiable ID. If you are attempting to authorize another individual to claim your firearm, they will need to present secure and verifiable ID, as well as a valid Power of Attorney or Notarized Statement. You may fax/email or hand deliver any documentation to the Evidence Unit for advance review to ensure it meets all requirements for release.
A letter will be sent to the last known address of listed owners of property, or upon receipt of a valid release of items held as evidence. This letter contains a notarized statement that may be completed and notarized to authorize someone to claim your property on your behalf. The person picking up your property must make an appointment with the Evidence unit, and bring a valid photo ID along with the Power of Attorney (POA) or Notarized Statement paperwork.
Found Property
Any item turned into the Evidence Unit as found property is held for at least 90 days to attempt to identify an owner. If the item has not been claimed, it may be eligible for release to the finder under certain circumstances. Please contact our office for further information at 970-834-1336.