Town of Ault Utility Rates and Fees - Effective January 2025
Water and Sewer Service rates are based on water usage during the billing cycle. The number of days in a billing cycle can vary depending on the meter reading dates.
Residential Water Service
(Single family homes and small businesses that do not use process water or offer public restrooms.)
Water Meter Fee* $12.00 per billing cycle.
Water Usage Rate: $13.70 per 1000 gallons.
Surcharge for exceeding monthly dedication: $4.80 Per 1000 gallons. (Additional)
Dedication limits:
Full Dedication User – Single family homes NOT using 12000 gallons/ billing cycle.
non-potable irrigation.
Half Dedication User – Single family homes using
non-potable irrigation and outside users. 6000 gallons/ billing cycle.
Commercial/Business Water Service (Includes schools, daycares and multifamily)
Water Meter Fee* (minimum)
5/8” Meter $12.00 per billing cycle.
1” Meter $24.00 per billing cycle.
1 1/2” Meter $48.00 per billing cycle.
2” Meter $96.00 per billing cycle.
Water Usage Rate $13.70 per 1000 gallons.
*(Meter Fees are built into the water rate structure as a minimum)
Residential Sewer Service
(Single family homes and small businesses, with less than 8 employees that do not use process water or offer public restrooms.)
Sewer Connection fee* $12.00 per billing cycle.
Sewer Service Rate $19.30 per 1000 gallons water used.
Residential sewer usage is capped at 3000 gallons.
Maximum residential sewer charges are $69.90 monthly. ($57.90 Sewer service + $12.00 connection fee)
Commercial/Business Sewer Service
(Businesses using process water i.e., restaurants and carwashes, schools, daycares, businesses offering public restrooms and combination businesses with housing units.
Sewer Connection Fee* $24.00 monthly
Sewer Service Rate $9.70 per 1000 gallons
Multifamily/ Multiplex Sewer Service
Sewer Connection Fee* $12.00 monthly per unit
Sewer Service Rate $9.70 per 1000 gallons
*(Sewer connection fees are built into the Sewer rate structure as a minimum)
Outside User $20.00 per month
(Single family homes that are not annexed into the Town of Ault but are connected to the Town distribution
or sewer system are charged an additional fee.)
Trash Removal Service $18.00 per month
Trash service is required for single family residences within the Town of Ault. The Town contracts with a single
trash company for this service. Businesses and multifamily users may contract with any trash service and trash removal service is not a part of their monthly utility bill.
Street Repair and Maintenance Fee $4.78 per month per SFU*
The street repair and maintenance fee is necessary to continue repairing and improving the streets within
the Town of Ault. Multifamily accounts are charged according to the number of units.
* (Single family unit)